Yesterday we were called for an emergency meeting by the nursinghome...
We knew it was not good news...
My dad's situation is getting worse.. not by the day but litterally by the minute, his body has been aten up from the inside, has necrosis on almost every part of his body.
The doc expects my dad to die soon, we are talking days, not weeks.
It's tough times and even after his death times will be tough because we found out he's not insured nearly enough for even a simple cremation. We will have to find… See More
at least a 1000 Euro's soon.. so it's not just emotional stress, it hits from every corner.
But, I hope my dad finds peace and will not have to suffer much longer... I would love to keep him another 20 years but the dad I knew is already gone for half a year or longer.
If you are someone who prays, then say a prayer for my dad, even though I haven't met anyone from here except 2 people IRL, I consider you guys my online family.
Sorry to hear that
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Id be happy to chip in some if you end up needing to fund raise for it. I'll definitely be sending some positive vibes and I hope things can work out for the better.