Vtuber was startled by a stalker during stream.
I'm not gonna show the stream combo that it happened nor the vtuber in question (you can try to find it, but I'd rather not since they are someone that was just breaking out of their shell just to go back into a panic scared of life), but I want to breakdown some stuff about this.
The VTuber in question was streaming when someone knocked on their window just to see if they'd react most likely. They then went to the Garage and banged a Sledgehammer loud… See More
enough to which the vtuber had a panic button to activate it after hearing the sound. The vtuber and their mother hid and had a self-defense item while in wait as the police gets there.
The Stalker in this case apparently said while getting arrested "its okay! She's a friend" and when questioned further on why they did it back at the station, apparently they used a tracker that was part of a gift.
I want to point out something with the tracker.
While Google and Apple had to agree (in part of the government requesting it) that they needed a universal element with the tracker that complied in a few things (such as notify if there was a tracker following them), that doesn't mean the ones that were being sold as part of their own individual networks had to comply with any of that outside of their own network.
Apple delayed Google an entire year from having Google release their trackers so unless they made a massive mistake, I doubt Apple was the cause.
This leaves the several tracker groups that have their own network that work with their own apps being responsible. One of which that is still more popular than others: Samsung.
Why suggest that? Because with how many Samsung users there are, what would be the chances that a random person using, lets say a Samsung Galaxy S20, just doing normal work (bug spraying, yard work, fixing something in the house, etc) and just accidentally pinged it from being in the vicinity?
Needless to say that this should be used as a practice as until the tag devices are standardized, please be careful about gifts or other things you receive from other people. Especially as streamers. You never know what or who could show up.
My PSA for the month.
Two videos to add to this, from someone who actively worked in security for the US government. This one.
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And this one.
People can be real morons, thinking that something like that is okay to do.