Homemade buttermilk pancakes from scratch, success. I don't normally do sweet stuff for breakfast but this weekend I just wanted to be fat and merry lol
Rosa Simone Nicoletti
Good late morning fam
Happy Sunday
Late morning heh?!
Your late morning is my evening (After 18:30), the joy of time differences
Happy day Rosa
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I was out and about today doing last minute Christmas shopping. I was in line at the register and there was this Karen in front of me just being a real snot to the cashier. I decided to try to brighten up his day since its a stressful time of the year and I bought some candy and gave it to him. I think it made his day a bit better and truly appreciated it. I always enjoy giving people candy just to see there face light up, its my favorite part.
I was selling my car, and a couple looking into buying it decided it would be a good idea to test drive it. They decided to return some baby clothes they gotten for Christmas (they were expecting). So I went with them, they were firends afterall. Went to the Walmart. Back then we didn't have one in our own little town. Car did fine, of course. I was only selling it because my grandfather gave me his Mercury. I didn't need two cars. So we were waiting in line at the customer service desk, and… See More
right when is was about their turn, another lady shoves the wife as she cuts in, and her husband called the other lady a name, and her family jumps in and started beating on them, beating the pregnant wife too, so I jumped in trying to break it up. Walmart "loss prevention" folks came and pulled everyone apart, escorted us all out and told us we were all banned from the store.
Well, the next day, the newspaper had this wonderful editorial, oh, I didn't mention, the couple, the husband was the editior at the newspaper. So Walmart issues an apology and gave each of us a $100 gift card. But, I didn't step into another Walmart for about 3 years. Not because they said I was banned, but because I didn't want to do business with them.
Oh, they did buy the car. But the clicking from a CV joint started to bug them, so they traded it for a Dodge Daytona, and about a week later, a front wheel fell off the Dodge. Someone did end up getting my old car, I see it driving around town every once in awhile. That little Ford Fiesta just keeps going.
Also, the gift card didn't go to waste, I gave it so someone, just can't recall who, now. All this was like 33 years ago. I haven't driven for the past 22 years.
Good morning fam
Happy Caturday 😺
Last night we hosted a Christmas dinner for Mark's job and wow that a lot of work but he did all the cooking. It was nice seeing a few familiar faces and meeting new ones. This morning I'm the clean up crew haha.
Today is last minute Christmas shopping and then gaming
Dedy Sitompul
Happy #LevelUp day
From a mix or?
delivery ?
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