Thank you all for the Level Up posts!!! U guys are wholesome.
And since it now is May 4th, I think this bday gift is most appropriate!
May the Force be with you all!
Pedro Ferreira
Well, as a follow up to my last post, I managed to pinpoint the weird sound problem in my GIGABYTE Aero 15 to the CPU. Apparently, the static-like/sizzling sound is being caused by idle cores, although the exact reason for it still eludes me. After much digging and some tweaking to the CPU C-States settings (hopefully I'm describing this properly, I'm not an engineer ) I was able to reduce the weird sound to a minimum. Still have no idea what is the actual cause of the sound, but this… See More
seemed to fix it. If someone has a similar issue, feel free to contact me, I'll provide you the fix links I followed.
Any opinions on the matter my GTribe fellows?
That's a whine, but not couil whine, it's caused by the cooling solution. Air from the fan traveling through the cooler's fins. When the CPU cores enter idle state, the CPU runs cooler and the fan spins slower which causes less pressure on the cooing and thus slower air that resonates more with the cooling system.
The reason your dad hears it less is that he's older - our hearing loses the higher frequency range as we grow older.
Oh, and btw, the search for a possible fix was maddening, there is barely anything on the matter, most people attribute this to interference with faulty Audio cards, but this ain't that uncommon of an issue apparently, and many times it isn't due to Audio problems. Interestingly, my father hears the weird noise much less than me (although he also picks it up)
Hey everyone!
I just finally got a new laptop, AERO 15 OLED (which I will review here later on), and I'm kinda worried with a weird sound it is making when the charger is plugged in. From all I can tell without opening the laptop, it's coming from the motherboard or close, and it sounds something like this, although not as loud (not my video) -
Static/crackling sound kind of. Any of you tech savvy folk have any idea what it might be? Thank you
i'm so sceptical about OLED displays because of the burn-in risk.
It can happen quite fast. I mean you can use OLED friendly dark icons, lower brightness, use dark static wallpaper images and so on. But still.
That would be coil whine, under load it should be constant. While it may not be anything serious, you could always replace the laptop under warranty?
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Ricardo Ioniche
Happy #LevelUp day! Hope you have a good one!
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May the force be with you too!