I find it funny when you renew your business license you get tons of Junk mail trying to get you a credit card or loans you don't need. Just goes to prove the government sells your info to the highest bidder.
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This page is managed by Michael Chaney from United States.
I find it funny when you renew your business license you get tons of Junk mail trying to get you a credit card or loans you don't need. Just goes to prove the government sells your info to the highest bidder.
I've been a technician since 1998 and love to keep up with new gizmos and gadgets. The Logitech group of computer components are some of the best I've used for the price. Also I am not a normal computer user since I fell in love with using workstations for everything. Its funny when you are starting a game and it says you do not meet the requirements to play and in reality you exceed them 5 to 10 times over.