It's been a while since I lasted posted, to say it's been a rough year and a half would be an understatement.
On the positive side, In the last year, I've been able to upgrade from the tiny desk shown in my last update, to a large corner desk, and a new PC case. No more overheating problems!
The Star Citizen mousepad is now on the wall looking awesome rather than on under the keyboard, and I have replaced it with a most blank extra-large pad.
I've also upgraded from the passable-at-best microphone I… See More
had previously, to an XLR Microphone and mixer combination.
I am still trying to work out how best to set it all up so I can easily access everything. The Logitech G 910 is beautiful, but is just ever so slightly too wide to fit the HOTAS on each side. I am also still using the same G502 mouse, which has proven itself an amazing and reliable mouse, easily the best I've ever owned.
Up-to-date pictures of my setup will be coming soon.
Hopefully, if things go well this coming month, I will also be looking to return to semi-regular twitch streaming.
Hope everyone's been great this last year.